
At Yuma Age-In-Place, everyone deserves access to information and resources that can enhance their lives, regardless of age or ability. We strive to create an inclusive and accessible environment for all readers, including those with disabilities.

Our Commitment to Accessibility:

  • WCAG 2.1 Compliance: We are committed to meeting the accessibility standards outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA. These guidelines ensure our website and content are compatible with assistive technologies and usable by people with a wide range of disabilities.

  • Ongoing Efforts: We continuously work to improve the accessibility of our blog. This includes regularly testing our website, addressing identified issues, and implementing new accessibility features when feasible.

  • Focus on Inclusive Design: We design our content and website with everyone in mind, considering diverse needs and abilities. This includes using clear, concise language, appropriate color contrasts, alternative image text descriptions, and keyboard navigation options.

  • Accessible Media: We strive to offer accessible media formats whenever possible. This includes providing transcripts for audio recordings, captions for videos, and downloadable versions of text content.

What You Can Expect:

  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Our website is compatible with popular screen readers like NVDA and JAWS.

  • Keyboard Navigation: You can navigate our website using your keyboard without relying on a mouse.

  • Zoom Functionality: You can zoom in and out of our website content to adjust the viewing size for your needs.

  • Accessible Forms: Our forms are designed to be accessible and usable with assistive technologies.

  • Alternative Text Descriptions: Images and other non-text elements have alternative text descriptions to provide context for screen readers.

Feedback and Collaboration:

We welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can further improve the accessibility of our blog. Please contact us using this Contact Form

Access to information should be a right, not a privilege. By making our blog accessible, we aim to empower individuals of all abilities to make informed decisions, connect with others, and live life to the fullest.

Be well,
